Kiss of the Spider Woman by Puig Manuel

Kiss of the Spider Woman by Puig Manuel

Author:Puig, Manuel [Puig, Manuel]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi, azw3
Tags: Regional.Latin America, Fiction.Magical Realism, Fiction.Literature.Modern, Acclaimed.Horror 100 Best.Index
ISBN: 9780679724490
Publisher: Random House Digital, Inc.
Published: 1978-01-02T05:00:00+00:00

—I just couldn’t concentrate any longer on what you were saying.

—But honestly, it must be something else, because that food was totally healthy for you. You know how sometimes, after an illness, you’re still suggestible for a while?

—Why not tell a little more of the film, and just see if it goes away. Maybe it’s because I’m feeling so weak. I probably ate too fast or something . . . Who the hell knows why . . .

—But that must be it, you’re just very weak, and I noticed how fast you were eating, like a kid, without even chewing your food.

—Ever since I woke up this morning I’ve been thinking about only one thing, and it must be getting to me. I can’t get it off my mind.

—What is it?

—The fact that I can’t write to my girl . . . but to Marta, yes. And you know, it would probably do me some good to write her, but I can’t think of what to say. Because it’s wrong for me to write her. Why should I?

—I’ll go on with the film then?

—Yes, do that.

—Okay, where were we?

—It was just when they were getting the girl ready.

—Ah, that’s right, she was having her hair done up in—

—Yeah, it’s up, I know already, and what do I care if it is? Don’t get so bogged down in details that have so little importance crudely painted effigy, a sharp blow, the effigy is made of glass, it splinters to bits, the fist doesn’t hurt, the fist of a man

—the treacherous somnambula and the white nurse, the contagious patient stares at them in the darkness What do you mean don’t! You just keep still because I know what I’m saying. Starting with the fact that wearing the hair up is—pay attention—important, because women only wear it up, it so happens, or they used to back then, when they wanted to really give the impression it was an important occasion, an important date. Because the upsweep, which bared the nape of the neck because they pushed all the hair up on top of the head, it gave a woman’s face a certain nobility. And with that whole mass of hair pushed up like that the old housekeeper is making her a braid, and decorating her hair with sprigs of local flowers, and when she finally drives off in a little chaise—even though it’s modern-day times they go off in this little carriage pulled by two tiny donkeys—the whole town smiles at her, and she sees herself en route to paradise . . . Is the dizzy spell going away?

—Seems like it is. But continue the story, okay?

—So they go along, her and the housekeeper, and on the steps of that kind of Town Hall-type place they have there, in a colonial style, her fiancé is waiting for her. And then you see them later on, they’re out in the dark night air, her lying in a hammock, with a good close-up of the


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